Wednesday, June 5, 2024

To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Joshua Weiner, Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure
RE: Registration is open! Write Winning Grant Proposals Seminar and Workshops 2024-2025

Once again, Grant Writers' Seminars and Workshops will be coming to campus, courtesy of the OVPR, to conduct its Phase I training on how to write winning grant proposals. Also once again, CLAS is sponsoring 30 free seats (usually $150 each) for CLAS faculty. Please consider attending if you are writing your first grant, want to have more grant-writing success, or need to get back into the grant-writing game!

Phase I will take place on Friday, September 20 at 8:30 AM in the Iowa Memorial Union (IMU). In-person and virtual options are available. See all the information and the registration link here.

To claim one of CLAS's supported seats, fill out the registration form. At the bottom, select "Sponsored" and "College of Liberal Arts and Sciences," and you will not need to enter an MFK. Please take advantage of this excellent opportunity!