Using a business center model, our team provides departments with dedicated expertise for financial management. Accountants assist departmental administrators in the finance and accounting area to ensure accuracy and best accounting practices. This model supports the university and collegiate mission of financial management accountability through sub-certification and sharing of best practices.

Services typically provided by our team

  • Monthly reminders (Business Briefs) for administrative staff
  • Monthly reconciliation and maintenance of accounts
  • Provide information on the following departmental budget allocations:
    • Tenure track and clinical faculty
    • Instructional track faculty
    • Visitor and adjunct faculty
    • Professional and scientific staff
    • Merit staff
    • Graduate assistants
    • General expenses
    • Renovation and instructional equipment
  • Guidance on compliance with university and CLAS policies and procedures
  • Assistance during annual budget process and fiscal year-end closing
  • Training on UI policies and procedures, financial systems, and payroll forms
  • Oversight of course fees and service centers
  • Support during the annual financial sub-certification process
  • Workflow and system accesses
  • Oversight of cash handling, food and beverage, and reward and recognition policies

News and updates from Finance

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