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In December 2005, the Big Ten Academic Alliance Deans of Liberal Arts & Sciences launched an effort to establish a voluntary, systematic method of sharing courses to enhance access to specialized graduate and low-enrollment offerings for all participating BTAA universities and their students. The CourseShare initiative focuses primarily on offerings that can be “technology facilitated” to eliminate barriers of time and distance. While the initial focus has included less commonly taught languages, the project is intended to support course sharing across the arts and sciences curriculum, and some institutions have formed significant partnerships to offer advanced seminars in a number of areas. Additional information is available on the BTAA CourseShare website.
If there are courses from other BTAA institutions that students at Iowa would like to register for, we can make arrangements to have those courses available for registration through MyUI, under University of Iowa course numbers. Similarly, if you would like to offer a course via CourseShare, that can be arranged.