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Post-award overview
The Grant Support Office (GSO) post-award team helps researchers manage their individual grants and funding portfolios. Our post-award staff work closely with researchers on all aspects of award management, including direct costs management and approval of expenditures, rate of award spend-down, subawards and contracts, reporting, closeouts, and transfers.
Post-award staff are assigned to academic departments, so faculty members have designated persons with whom to work. The post-award team also works closely with the UI Grant Accounting Office (GAO) to resolve award management problems and the UI Division of Sponsored Programs (DSP) for assistance with no-cost extensions, subaward agreements, and grant and contract modifications.
Contact us
General CLAS Grant Support Office inquiries should be sent to:
Post-award services
- Manage budgets and provide spend-down projections
- Monitor and approve expenses and financial transaction reports
- Work with DSP to set up and manage subawards
- Facilitate budget revisions, no-cost extensions, and other contractual changes
- Assist with navigating internal compliance requirements
- Coordinate with UI offices such as DSP, GAO, Human Subjects Office, etc.
- Answer questions regarding sponsor reporting requirements
Getting started
Once the sponsor has decided to fund your project, DSP will review and negotiate the terms and conditions of the award and sign the award agreement on the university's behalf. After DSP and GAO complete their review, they will release the Award Activation Authorization Notice (AAAN) to you via email. The AAAN contains critical award information, including the MFK (UI account number), project dates, approved budget, sponsor information, and any unique compliance or budget issues.
Below is a list of steps researchers should take after receiving notice of an award and key information to keep in mind throughout the life cycle of your grant:
Inform Your GSO Contact and Review the Award: Once you receive the AAAN, the first step is to meet with your GSO post-award contact, especially if you are a new PI (Principal Investigator) or if it is a sizeable or complicated award. Together, you will review the terms and conditions of the award, including reporting requirements, allowable expenses, and any budget restrictions. Your post-award contact can assist with any questions about the award management process. You can also contact our general office with questions or concerns.
Review the Budget and Establish a Monitoring Plan: Your GSO post-award contact will help create a plan to monitor spending and required effort (for the PI and other key project personnel) throughout the project. Regular review of expenses is essential to avoid overspending or noncompliance. If needed, your post-award contact will help you navigate the processes for budget adjustments, reallocation of funds, requests for additional funding, requests for a no-cost extension, etc.
Ensure Reporting Compliance: Most sponsors require the submission of technical progress reports and financial reports to demonstrate that your project is meeting its research goals and budget expectations. The project PI is responsible for technical reports, while GAO handles invoicing and financial reporting. Your GSO post-award contact can answer questions regarding reporting deadlines and assist with non-technical questions, such as effort reporting, as needed.
Manage Subawards (if applicable): If your project involves subawards, your GSO post-award contact will work with DSP, staff at the subaward institution, and you to establish the subaward agreement and renew it as necessary. Over the duration of the project, the PI is responsible for monitoring subaward performance and approving their invoices. GSO staff monitor subaward spending, assist with renewals, and resolve any questions or concerns.
Closeout the Award: As your project nears its end, your post-award contact will assist you with the closeout process. The PI is responsible for submitting final technical reports and confirming the completion of project deliverables. GSO staff work with GAO to close out the university account and resolve deficits, if necessary.
If Changes to the Project Need to Be Made: You should communicate with your GSO post-award contact if any changes to the project need to be made, including budget revisions, changes to the scope of work, no-cost extension requests, new subawards or consultants, etc.