CLAS Main Contacts

African American Studies (1000)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Tim Havens, 335-0580
Administrator: Lindsay Vella, 467-0067
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis 
IT Consulting: Greg Smith
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Kevin McGlynn, 335-1773
Academic Advisor: Diane Hauser, 335-2633
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

American Sign Language

Unit Email: 
DEO/Director: Jill Beckman, 335-2911 
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

American Studies (1010)

American Studies Unit Email:
Native American and Indigenous Studies Email:
DEO/Director: Thomas Oates, 335-0316
Administrator: Lindsay Vella, 467-0067
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Greg Smith
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Kevin McGlynn, 335-1773
Academic Advisor: Anna Newnum, 335-3845
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Anthropology (1020)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Drew Kitchen, 335-2891
Administrator: Sarah Horgen, 335-0523
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Terry Tharp
Shared Services: Saralyn Richardson, 467-0818
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Gary Wiest, 467-1444
Academic Advisor: Ignacio Alvarez
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098

Art, Art History, and Design, School of (1030)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Downing Thomas, 467-1896
Administrator: Troy Fitzpatrick, 335-1770
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: John Hayes (ABW), Taj Young (Studio Arts)
Shared Services: Saralyn Richardson, 467-0818
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Kevin McGlynn, 335-1773
Academic Advisor: Lynne Lanning, 384-1817
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures (1040)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Kendall Heitzman, 335-5104
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Biology (1050)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Tina Tootle, 355-7763
Administrator: Becky Kick, 335-3390
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Mohamed Ibrahim, Jordan Shebek
Shared Services: Carol Adamson, 335-4176
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Ronna Mayberry, 335-0577
Academic Advisor: Kaylyn Connolly, 353-1629, Anna Gaw 353-2484
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Molly Buhrow, 467-0961
Post-Award: Isabelle Hardy, 335-0406

Center for Language and Culture Learning (1650)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Claire Frances, 467-1668
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Chemistry (1070)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Renee Cole, 384-1883
Administrator: Shonda Monette, 335-1344
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Michael Ciha, Peter Franke, Bryan Ringen
Shared Services: Matthew Stutzman, 335-2272
Human Resources: Chris Crawford, 467-4822
Accounting: Sandy Mast, 335-9304
Academic Advisor: Emma Kirk-Alvarez, 335-0793, Charity Bolden, 467-3069
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Molly Buhrow, 467-0961
Post-Award: Tammy Smith, 467-1781

Cinematic Arts (1100)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Michael Cowan, 467-1685
Administrator: Liz Cecil, 335-2357
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Mike Hendrickson
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Ronna Mayberry, 335-0577
Academic Advisor: Marcus Leyton, 335-0178
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Classics (1080)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Bob Cargill, 335-1996
Administrator: Lindsay Vella, 467-0067
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Greg Smith
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Kevin McGlynn, 335-1773
Academic Advisor: Colleen Kelley, 335-2065
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Communication Sciences and Disorders (1370)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Eric Hunter, 467-4527
Administrator: Lucie Hulse, 467-1405
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Randy Woodruff (temporary)
Shared Services: Shelly Lett, 467-4822
Human Resources: Chris Crawford, 467-4822
Accounting: Lisa Kohler, 335-3141
Academic Advisor: Shelby Kubik, 467-3117
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kyle Schaefer, 467-4105
Post-Award: Carmen Langel, 335-5841

Communication Studies (1090)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Kembrew McLeod, 353-2259
Administrator: Liz Cecil, 335-2357
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Mike Hendrickson
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Ronna Mayberry, 335-0577
Academic Advisor: Andrea Krekel, 335-3849; Brooklynn McClinton, 335-1871
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098

Computer Science (1110)

Unit Email: 
DEO/Director: Alberto Segre, 335-1713 
Administrator: Alli Rockwell, 384-3621
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Brian Bacher
Shared Services: Saralyn Richardson, 467-0818
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Sandy Mast, 335-9304
Academic Advisor: Abbigail Baccam, 335-1628
Grant Support: Pre-Award:  Molly Buhrow, 467-0961
Post-Award: Bethany Cornwell, 335-0636

Creative Writing (1120)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Sam Chang, 335-0416
Administrator: Sasha Khmelnik, 335-0419
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Terry Tharp
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Kristina  Swanson, 335-0459
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Dance (1130)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Rebekah Kowal, 335-2180
Administrator: Rosie Ver Steegh, 335-2707
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: John Winget
Shared Services: Nick Shatkus, 335-0939
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Tylor Hoyle, 335-1062
Academic Advisor: Mei-Mey Segura, 335-1746
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Earth and Environmental Sciences (1170)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: David Peate, 335-1801
Administrator: Katie Bottorff, 467-4307
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Erik Billeci
Shared Services: Matthew Stutzman, 335-2272
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Gary Wiest, 467-1444
Academic Advisor: Hannah Whitcomb DeHague, 335-1889
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Carmen Langel, 335-5841
Post-Award: Gizem Uyumaz, 467-0581

English (1140)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Loren Glass, 335-0446
Administrator: Barb Pooley, 335-2684
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Greg Smith
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Kelly Riessen, 384-1283
Academic Advisor: Christine Norquest, 335-0460, Kate Torno, 335-0454
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

English as a Second Language (1890)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Sarah Fagan, 335-2284
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

French and Italian (1150)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Emilie Destruel, 335-2265
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies (1400)

GWSS Unit Email:
Social Justice Email:
DEO/Director: Hyaeweol Choi, 335-2160
Administrator: Lindsay Vella, 467-0067
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Greg Smith
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Kevin McGlynn, 335-1773
Academic Advisor: Christine Norquest, 335-0460
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Geographical and Sustainability Sciences (1160)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: David Bennett, 335-0151
Administrator: Katie Bottorff, 467-4307
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Erik Billeci
Shared Services: Saralyn Richardson, 467-0818
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Gary Wiest, 467-1444
Academic Advisor: Hannah Whitcomb DeHague, 335-1889
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098
Post-Award: Gizem Uyumaz, 467-0581

German (1180)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Jill Beckman, 335-2911
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Health and Human Physiology (1145)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Gary Pierce, 335-9487
Administrator: Justin Kahler, 384-5793
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Bryan Ringen
Shared Services: Shelly Lett, 335-9335
Human Resources: Chris Crawford, 467-4822
Accounting: Lisa Kohler, 335-3141
Academic Advisors: Joe Cilek, 335-9181; Shelby Kubik, 467-3117; Tom Collins, 467-0588; Abigail Gould; Ryan Kaduce, 467-1245
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kyle Schaefer, 467-4105
Post-Award: Carmen Langel, 335-5841, Gizem Uyumaz, 467-0581

History (1190)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Colin Gordon, 335-2292
Administrator: Pat Goodwin, 335-2309
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan
Shared Services: Amy Dorsam, 335-2145
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Kelly Riessen, 384-1283
Academic Advisor: Colleen Kelley, 335-2065
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Interdisciplinary Programs, Division of (1500)

Interdisciplinary Programs Unit Email:
Enterprise Leadership Unit Email:
Global Health Studies Unit Email:
Latina/o/x Studies Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Cornelia Lang, 335-1945
Administrator: Lindsay Vella, 467-0067
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan
Shared Services: Amy Dorsam, 335-2145 
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall (Global Health Studies) 467-0037, Diane Hauser (Latina/o/x Studies) 335-2633, Andy Tinkham (Interdepartmental Studies) 335-0013
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

International Studies

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Jill Beckman, 335-0214
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Journalism and Mass Communication, School of (1200)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Melissa Tully, 335-3356
Administrator: Liz Cecil, 335-2357
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Mike Hendrickson
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Jeff Donoghue, 335-2605
Academic Advisor: Anna Newnum, 335-3845
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098
Post-Award: Gizem Uyumaz, 467-0581

Latin American Studies

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Jill Beckman, 335-2911
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Linguistics (1220)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Sarah Fagan, 335-2284
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Mathematics (1230)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Ryan Kinser, 335-0784
Administrator: Anna Kelly (interim), 335-0796
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Brian Bacher
Shared Services: Saralyn Richardson, 467-0818
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Kelly Riessen, 384-1283
Academic Advisor: Emma Kirk-Alvarez, 335-0793, Charity Bolden, 467-3069
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kristi Fitzpatrick, 335-0635
Post-Award: Tammy Smith, 467-1781

Music, School of (1240)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Tammie Walker, 335-1601
Administrator: Rosie Ver Steegh, 335-2707
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: John Winget
Shared Services: Nick Shatkus, 335-0939
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Tylor Hoyle, 335-1062
Academic Advisor: Mei-Mey Segura, 335-1746
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Performing Arts Production Unit (1396)

Unit Email:
Administrator: Rosie Ver Steegh, 335-2707
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: John Winget
Shared Services: Nick Shatkus, 335-0939
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Tylor Hoyle, 335-1062
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Philosophy (1260)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Ali Hasan, 335-0495
Administrator: Barb Pooley, 335-2684
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Greg Smith
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Kelly Riessen, 384-1283
Academic Advisor: Ignacio Alvarez
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Physics and Astronomy (1280)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Mary Hall Reno, 335-1920
Administrator: Heather Mineart, 335-1688
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Ryan Hallock, Tim Lissovsky
Shared Services: Sara Sickelka, 335-0902
Human Resources: Chris Crawford, 467-4822
Accounting: Ronna Mayberry, 335-0577, Andrea Shaevitz, 335-1691
Academic Advisor: Charity Bolden, 467-3069
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Marcia Rodgers, 335-2756
Post-Award: Andrea Shaevitz, 335-1691

Condensed Matter Group
Pre-Award: Kristi Fitzpatrick, 335-0635
Post-Award: Carmen Langel, 335-5841

Political Science (1290)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Brian Lai, 335-2358
Administrator: Chuck Wieland, 335-1263
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Brian Bacher
Shared Services: Amy Dorsam, 335-2145
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Lisa Kohler, 335-3141
Academic Advisor: Andy Tinkham, 335-0013; Ignacio Alvarez
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098
Post-Award: Carmen Langel, 335-5841

Production Unit (1875)

Administrator: Liz Cecil, 335-2357
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Mike Hendrickson
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Ronna Mayberry, 335-0577
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Psychological and Brain Sciences (1300)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Mark Blumberg, 335-2424
Administrator: Ruthina Malone, 335-2407
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Trent Petersen, Scott Shaw
Shared Services: Shelly Lett, 335-9335
Sara Sickelka (Psych Research Subj & Deposits), 335-0902
Human Resources: Chris Crawford, 467-4822
Accounting: Gary Wiest, 467-1444
Academic Advisors: Iry Eicher, 467-7032; Kasey Hagedorn, 467-3156; Janeil Page-Jamison, 384-3657; Tiffany Phillips, 353-2206; 
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kyle Schaefer, 467-4105
Post-Award: Travis Dillavou, 467-0280, Melissa Eckrich, 335-5845

Religious Studies (1310)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Paul Dilley, 335-2168
Administrator: Lindsay Vella, 467-0067
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Bryan Ringen
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Ronna Mayberry, 335-0577
Academic Advisor: Colleen Kelley, 335-2065
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Rhetoric (1320)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Cinda Coggins Mosher, 335-3786
Administrator: Barb Pooley, 335-2684
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Greg Smith
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Kelly Riessen, 384-1283
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Social Work, School of (1340)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Miriam Landsman, 335-1257
Administrator: Chuck Wieland, 335-1263
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Bryan Ringen
Shared Services: Mandy McAllister, 335-0020
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Jeff Donoghue, 335-2605
Academic Advisor: Iry Eicher, 467-7032; Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098

Sociology and Criminology (1350)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Mike Sauder
Administrator: Chuck Wieland, 335-1263
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Terry Tharp
Shared Services: Amy Dorsam, 335-2145
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Ryan Kirkey, 384-3489
Academic Advisor: Matt Rhodes, 335-2502
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098
Post-Award: Carmen Langel, 335-5841

Spanish and Portuguese (1360)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Amber Brian, 335-2231
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Statistics and Actuarial Science (1380)

Statistics Unit Email: 
Actuarial Science Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Kung-Sik Chan, 335-2849
Administrator: Tammy Siegel, 335-0706
Area Associate Dean: Chris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Brian Bacher
Shared Services: Saralyn Richardson, 467-0818
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Kelly Riessen, 384-1283
Academic Advisor: Emma Kirk-Alvarez, 335-0793, Abbigail Baccam, 335-1628
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Kris Ackerson, 467-0098

Theatre Arts (1390)

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Mary Beth Easley, 335-2406
Administrator: Rosie Ver Steegh, 335-2707
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: John Hayes, Taj Young
Shared Services: Nick Shatkus, 335-0939
Human Resources: Kellie Kucera, 335-1606
Accounting: Tylor Hoyle, 335-1062
Academic Advisor: Marcus Leyton, 335-0178
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374


Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Jill Beckman, 335-2911
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Division of (1655)

Please also see the following sections: American Sign Language, Asian and Slavic Languages and Literatures, French and Italian, German, International Studies, Latin American Studies, Linguistics, Spanish and Portuguese, Translation, Center for Language and Culture Learning

World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Unit Email:
DEO/Director: Jill Beckman, 335-2911
Administrator: Mandy Powers, 467-1749
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Jeff Schmitt
Shared Services: Jenny Ritchie, 335-6320
Human Resources: Vance Morris, 335-1690
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Academic Advisor: Meredith Gall, 467-0037
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374

Dean's Office Contacts

Dean's Office Administration (1900)

Dean: Sara Sanders, 467-1985
Administrator: Becca Tritten, 335-2235
Area Associate Dean: Roland RacevskisChris Cheatum
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan
Shared Services: Amy Dorsam, 335-2145
Human Resources: Melia Pieper, 335-6479
Accounting: Jeff Donoghue, 335-2605

Iowa Sciences Academy (1520)

DEO/Director: Lori Adams, 335-1322
Administrator: Kristina Venzke, 335-5614
Area Associate Dean: Josh Weiner
IT Consulting: Erik Billeci, 456-2942
Shared Services: Carol Adamson, 335-0390
Human Resources: Chris Crawford, 467-4822
Accounting: Ronna Mayberry, 335-0577
Academic Advisor: Kristina Venzke, 335-5614
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Molly Buhrow, 467-0961
Post-Award: Isabelle Hardy, 335-0406

Magid Center for Writing (1510)

Magid Center for Writing Unit Email:
Iowa Summer Writing Festival Email:
Iowa Young Writers' Studio Email:
Iowa Youth Writing Project Email: 
DEO/Director: Daniel Khalastchi, 467-0026
Administrator: Lindsay Vella, 467-0067
Area Associate Dean: Roland Racevskis
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan 
Shared Services: Janelle Sturtz, 467-4896 
Human Resources: Ali Romano- McClain, 467-4107
Accounting: Beth Mellinger, 353-2190
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Ann Knudson, 335-0374


DEO/Director: Stratis Giannakouros, 335-5516
Sustainability Manager: Elizabeth MacKenzie, 384-3415
Sustainability Manager: Brinda Shetty, 335-0964
Area Associate Dean: Josh Weiner
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan
Shared Services: Janelle Sturtz, 467-4896
Human Resources: Melia Pieper, 335-6479
Accounting: Jeff Donoghue, 335-2605
Academic Advisor: Jennifer Stacy-Adams, 353-5700

Undergraduate Programs

Area Associate Dean: Cornelia Lang, 335-2633
Director of Academic Policies and Student Life Services: Jennifer Bertrand, 335-2633
Director of Retention and Student Services: Monica Griffin Madura, 335-2633
Director of Academic Advising: Diane Hauser, 335-2633
IT Consulting: Emily Pelikan
Shared Services: Janelle Sturtz, 467-4896
Human Resources: Melia Pieper, 335-6479
Accounting: Jeff Donoghue, 335-2605

Departments External to CLAS

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

DEO: Kris DeMali
Administrator: Rosemary Stratton, 335-7930
Shared Services: 
Human Resources: Rosemary Stratton, 335-7930
Accounting: Rosemary Stratton, 335-7930
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Lori Wallrath, 335-7920 
Director of Graduate Studies: Ernesto Fuentes, 353-4244
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Judy Means, 335-8993; Post Award: Rosemary Stratton, 335-7930


DEO: David Cooper
Administrator: Michelle Highly, 335-2521
Human Resources: Katherine Voss, 335-1191
Shared Services:  USS Business
IT Consulting: Stead Technology Service Group
Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies: Charles Keene, 335-1037
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Alexandra Nica, 335-3790 
Director of Graduate Studies: David Frisvold, 335-0957


DEO: Li Wu, 335-0487
Vice Chair: Jon Houtman, 335-7780
Administrator: Angie Robertson, 335-7808
Shared Services:  Amanda Graesser, 467-0739
Human Resources: Eileen Sullivan, 335-0698
Director of Undergraduate Studies: Al Klingelhutz, 335-7788
Grant Support: Pre-Award: Melissa Shriver, 335-7935