General Principles

The Procedures for Clinical-track Promotion decision making establish a uniform system of procedures to be used in all academic units of the University.

The University has allowed the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to establish additional procedures governing its clinical-track promotion decision-making, to guide its departments on points where the University's procedures require or permit flexibility or variation.

These are procedures only. For University policies regarding criteria for promotion of clinical-track faculty, refer to section III-10.9 of the Operations Manual. For College of Liberal Arts and Sciences criteria for clinical faculty rank, consult the CLAS Policies and Procedures website. Departments may also establish their own criteria for clinical faculty rank, consistent with the University and College criteria. The substantive standards contained in the various criteria documents must be satisfied and are not affected by these procedures.

These procedures rely upon several principles:

  1. Decisions granting or denying promotion should be based on a written record of achievement.
  2. The content of the record that will be relied upon should be known by the candidate and the decision makers.
  3. Except for variation related to the nature of the candidate’s academic activity, the content of the record should be the same for all candidates in the same academic unit.
  4. The governing procedures should be the same for all candidates across the University, except where conditions or academic cultures justify variation among colleges or among departments within a college.
  5. University and collegiate procedures should be applied consistently to all candidates.
  6. Each faculty member participating in clinical-track promotion decision-making may do so at only one level of the process: departmental, collegiate, or provostial. Faculty with collegiate or provostial administrative appointments of 50% or greater shall participate in their administrative office, except in rare and special circumstances at the discretion of the Provost