Budgeted joint appointments

Faculty on the budget of more than one unit depend on both units to cooperate in assigning responsibilities and providing guidance, even though one unit is designated the unit of primary appointment. Ordinarily, a CLAS faculty member holds budgeted appointments in no more than two units. The budgeted appointments may be at any percentage of effort that do not total more than 100%. A joint appointment may be for a specified period or may be permanent.

In the first semester of appointment for new jointly appointed faculty members, the Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities or Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences meets with the faculty member and the DEOs of the appointing units to clarify the units' expectations and the faculty member's responsibilities. A written agreement results from this meeting, and that agreement may be updated annually. This agreement (and any updates) are made available to review committee in all probationary reviews and reviews for promotion and tenure.

Both units must cooperate in all reviews of the jointly appointed faculty member: probationary reviews, reviews for promotion and/or tenure, and tenured faculty reviews. In probationary and tenured faculty reviews, the departments should coordinate their evaluations of the faculty member's record and discuss points on which their evaluations or recommendations coincide with or conflict with one another, so as to provide the best possible guidance. In reviews of not-yet-tenured faculty, both DEOs must sign the University's "Annual Review of Probationary Faculty" form.

For information on the process for a regular faculty member to change their budgeted appointment, see Request to Change Appointment

Unsalaried secondary appointment (joint appointment at 0%)

A department may offer an unsalaried joint appointment to a tenured or tenure-track faculty member on the budget of another unit in the College or University, if the appointment is deemed appropriate by both departmental faculties and the College. Both DEOs and the Dean (or Deans, if the appointment is cross-collegiate) must sign all paperwork related to the appointment, including the agreement and appointment form. A sample agreement of 0% appointment is published on the Provost's website.

The two departments must agree in advance on the extent to which the unit offering the unsalaried secondary appointment will cooperate in future reviews of the faculty member. Departmental by-laws must specify the rights and responsibilities attached to such appointments. Departments may consult the Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities or Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences on procedures and typical expectations for unsalaried secondary appointments.

Affiliate faculty status

Appointments at 0% should be made to faculty members who wish to affiliate with and support interdisciplinary academic programs and departments. The coordinator of the academic program or the DEO of the department consults their faculty or steering committee and the DEO of the faculty member's home department concerning any offer of formal affiliation with the program. If the decision is positive, the DEO or academic program coordinator of the unit seeking the affiliate appointment sends a draft letter of appointment to the College's Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities or Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences for review and approval.

The draft letter should specify any rights and responsibilities attached to affiliate status; if the affiliation is for a specific term, the term must also be specified. For programs in the Division of Interdisciplinary Programs, the Division Director must be consulted before the offer is sent to the Associate Dean of Arts and Humanities or Associate Dean for the Natural, Mathematical, and Social Sciences for approval. The Office of the Dean can supply samples of letters used in the past.