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A. Promotion Record
- The Promotion Record available to the Provost will consist of the Promotion Record available to the Dean, the Dean’s letter, and the candidate’s letter of response (if any) following receipt of the recorded vote of the Collegiate Committee on Faculty Promotion and Tenure and the recommendation of the Dean. Although the appendices to the Promotion Record (consisting of student teaching evaluations and publications) are part of the Promotion Record, they will not normally be physically moved to the Provost’s custody unless the Provost requests them.
- When any materials that were not available at the time of the departmental action are forwarded to the Provost, the Provost will make a determination whether it is likely that the new material would have substantially altered the departmental evaluation of the candidate’s record. If, in the Provost’s judgment, a substantial change in the departmental or collegiate evaluation is likely, the Provost will return the case to the Departmental Executive Officer or Dean, respectively, for any appropriate supplementary action, so that the Provost will be able to act in the light of an accurate indication of departmental and collegiate judgment.
- On the basis of the Promotion Record available to the Provost, the Provost will make a decision that promotion should be granted or denied, and will recommend that the Board of Regents grant promotion to those candidates determined to be deserving.
- In making the promotion decision, the Provost may, at the Provost’s discretion, consult with other administrators, including the associate provosts and the collegiate deans.
B. The Provost's Recommendation to the Regents
- The Provost will inform the Dean in writing of the Provost’s recommendation to the Board of Regents.
- The Dean will inform the candidate in writing of the Provost’s recommendation to the Board of Regents, and in the case of a recommendation against promotion or tenure will inform the candidate of the availability of the official Faculty Dispute Procedures as explained in section III.29, subsections 1-5, of the University Operations Manual, and will enclose a copy via certified mail.
- The collegiate Dean will inform the Departmental Executive Officer of the Provost’s recommendation, who, in turn, will inform the members of the DCG.