Audit Successful (AUS) and Audit Unsuccessful (AUU)

Students auditing a course (see Auditing courses in the Academic Policies Handbook) are marked "AUS" if he or she completes the course and "AUU" if not.

Note: Students may not attend a class without being registered; those who do not wish to earn credit in a course should request permission to register as auditors.

Incomplete (I)

Instructors may report a mark of I (Incomplete) only if the unfinished part of the student's work, in a course other than research, thesis, or independent study, is small; the work is unfinished for reasons acceptable to the instructor; and the student's standing in the course is satisfactory. A course may not be repeated to remove a grade of Incomplete; the grade must be removed by completing the unfinished part of the work.

During the semester immediately following the one in which a mark of I (Incomplete) was recorded, the mark may be changed to a grade without the approval of the CLAS Academic Programs & Student Development office. The instructor initiates this by completing a grade change at the Course Grade Change link on MAUI and by submitting the grade change to the DEO. When the DEO approves the grade change, it is routed to the Registrar's Office for processing.

If the instructor does not submit a grade change by the end of the next full semester, a mark of I will convert to F=. To change an Incomplete that has converted to F=, follow the same procedure as outlined above, but include an explanation of why the student was allowed extra time to remove the Incomplete.

In Progress (IP)

The mark of IP is used to denote a course in progress.

No Grade Reported (O)

A mark of O is assigned when a final grade is not submitted to the Registrar by the designated deadline. The O will remain on the student's record until a valid grade is submitted. Every effort must be made to avoid assignment of an O and to submit a valid grade as soon as possible when an O has been assigned.

Registered (R)

A few courses are offered for 0 semester hours. Students in these courses are marked "R" if they complete the course and "W" if not.

Withdrawn (W)

Students who drop a class after the "last day to drop without a W" have a "W" entered on the permanent record (see Mark of "W" in the Academic Policies Handbook).

Pass/Nonpass Grading Option (P/N)

With the instructor's permission, students in good standing in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may take elective courses pass/nonpass (P/N). Students who request this option must obtain the signatures of both the advisor and the instructor on a Grading Option Form. The form may be submitted to the UI Service Center during the registration period or during the first two weeks of the semester. For summer session courses and courses that begin or end at times other than the beginning and end of the academic semester, students may register for P/N at any time during the first one-fifth of the duration of the course. The registration may not be changed after the deadline.

At the end of the semester, the instructor calculates a standard letter grade for any student who has registered under the P/N option. When reporting grades, if the course grade is C- or higher, the instructor assigns a P. If the course grade is D+ or below, the instructor assigns an N.

As a general policy, students may not use the pass/nonpass (P/N) grading option in courses taken for General Education CLAS Core credit or in their major department. The DEO may, however, authorize P/N grading for a student in a departmental course that is not to be applied toward the major requirements. The DEO sends a letter of authorization directly to Graduation Analysis, 2 Jessup Hall.

Satisfactory/Fail Grading (S/F) for undergraduate students

Satisfactory/Fail grading is an option available for undergraduate courses in which letter grading is not the most useful measure of the learning taking place and for experiences that are not specifically academic in nature but for which credit toward graduation may be appropriate. The department may designate independent study courses, readings courses, academic internships, and other appropriate courses as "offered on S/F basis only. " Instructors must submit S or F grades for all undergraduate students enrolled in these courses.

S/F grading may be adopted at the time a course is developed, or it may be requested later by submission of a course approval form. Students do not need special forms to register for S/F courses, since all undergraduates enrolled in such courses automatically receive either an S or an F.

Restrictions on the use of S/F grading are described in the Academic Policies Handbook.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading (S/U) for undergraduate students

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading is an option available for undergraduate courses in which neither letter grading nor S/F grading is the most useful measure of the learning taking place and for experiences that are not specifically academic in nature but for which credit toward graduation may be appropriate. A department may designate a course as "offered on S/U basis only" and instructors for such courses must submit S or U grades for all undergraduate students enrolled in these courses.

S/U grading may be adopted at the time a course is developed, or it may be requested later by submission of a course approval form. Students do not need special forms to register for S/U courses, since all undergraduates enrolled in such courses automatically receive either an S or an U.

A "U" grade in an undergraduate course will not affect the GPA.

Further information on the use of S/U grading is available in the Academic Policies Handbook.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading Option (S/U) for graduate students

Information on S/U grading for graduate students can be found in the Graduate College's Manual of Rules and Regulations.