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The MyUI course description conveys the details of the course that will be offered during the current semester and includes topics, major assignments, format of the course, and mode of offering and does not need approval by CLAS. This is handled instead at the departmental or program level. Changes to the MyUI course description are implemented in the Offerings Planner with these submitted directly to the Registrar.
A good MyUI course description helps students to understand the content and goals of a course while helping them to become more aware of the course's importance and relevancy.
The best MyUI course descriptions answer questions about the course that any student might ask. As of June 2022, instructors are not required to include a sample syllabus in each MyUI course description. Instead, CLAS strongly encourages instructors to share the following key course information in MyUI before early registration:
- course topic and description,
- course format and participation expectations (i.e., lecture, discussion, lab, other),
- learning outcomes for the course,
- why students should enroll in this particular course,
- a schedule/timeline of major assessments and key assignment dates over the semester,
- course grading information (breakdown of what will be included in the course grade),
- any special activities, such as field trips, that must fit within a student's schedule.
This information may be included through:
- the attachment of a course syllabus (please note "draft syllabus, subject to changes" on the posted version), OR
- a short document that includes the key course information above, OR a thorough and up-to-date MyUI course description that includes the key course information above.