To: DEOs
From: Maggie Blaisdell, Director of Web Strategy
RE: CLAS sites launching next week
The new CLAS websites will be launching next Wednesday, June 26!
As a reminder, we will have two new sites:
- Our existing site ( will be optimized specifically for current and prospective students.
- A brand new CLAS Resource site ( will be tailored to providing faculty and staff with the resources you need to be successful.
FYI, these URLS will not take you to the new sites until after launch is complete on June 26.
You can prepare for this by accounting for any places you're currently linking to the CLAS site from your website – there's a good chance those URLs will change. We'll be implementing a redirect strategy that will account for most-used pages, but that will not include every existing page on the current site, so be sure to take note of links to update post-launch wherever necessary. We will also be monitoring for 404 errors (this is an error a website visitor gets when they hit a dead end) and adding redirects as trends arise.
Since we are launching in summer, we have some time to adjust before the academic year starts, and we will continue to optimize and fine tune both sites as we have the opportunity to gather real-time audience data and traffic patterns.
Thank you for your flexibility and support through this migration. We're very excited to be providing a new CLAS web presence that is user-friendly, addresses specific audience needs, and represents CLAS as the academic core of the institution.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at