To: Departmental Executive Officers
From: Maggie Blaisdell, Director of Web Strategy
RE: Reduced Website Support Starting Today
So that we can prioritize preparing for the launch of the new CLAS websites, the Marcom team is temporarily reducing support of all CLAS department and program websites over the next month. The reduced support period starts today and will last through early July.
All incoming web support requests will be triaged and responded to in one of two ways:
- Urgent, timely requests
These will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. This includes support for updating timely registration, application, or scheduling that is critical to your mission, updating out-of-date information regarding legal or ethical matters, or addressing downtime for sites. Website admin access will also continue to be granted. - Non-urgent requests
These will receive a response that we have reduced support and then be cataloged and handled to in July. This includes items like training, help updating or organizing non-timely, general information, form updates, and other functionality that is not urgent. For these types of requests, we will offer links to SiteNow resources, web trainings, etc., and encourage individuals to connect with others within or across departments for temporary support should you want to address the update yourself.
During this time, you're welcome to continue sending support requests to our Marcom inbox. All requests, either sent to the Marcom inbox or directly to any individual on our team, will be triaged and responded to as previously explained.
Thank you for your understanding, patience, and flexibility as our team focuses on migration and launch.
We're excited to provide a new CLAS web presence that will improve user and admin experience, represent and promote our college, your departments, and the excellence happening throughout CLAS.