January 19, 2024
Present: Ted Powers, Tara Hicks, David Puderbaugh, Bryan Phillips, Brian Ekdale, Jodie Plumert, Christine Getz, Catherine Moore
Absent: Jennifer Buckley
Approval of the minutes from December 1, 2023. Motion to approve, motion seconded.
Marcus Bach Graduation Fellowship Application Submission Discussion
1. Reviewed criteria of the fellowship.
2. Discussed the candidates’ submissions.
3. Voted on top 4 candidates with 1 alternate.
Meeting adjourned.
February 2, 2024
Present: Bryan Phillips, Ted Powers, Tara Hicks, David Puderbaugh, Jen Buckley (Zoom), Christine Getz, Catherine Moore
Absent: Brian Ekdale, Jodie Plumert
Minutes approved from last meeting. Noted Marcus Bach was able to fund five fellowships this year. Discussion for combined degree program that would allow students to simultaneously pursue a Master of Business Administration through the Professional MBA Program (Iowa MBA) and a Master of Strategic Communication (MASC) through the Graduate College. Discussion of closing of FLARE (Foreign Language Acquisition Research and Education). Brought to GEPC because of affiliated faculty and closing of a program, not just a degree. Overview of Marcus Bach and Dissertation Writing Fellowship applications and processes.
Meeting adjourned.
February 16, 2024
Present: Bryan Phillips, Ted Powers, Tara Hicks, David Puderbaugh, Jen Buckley, Brian Ekdale, Jodie Plumert, Christine Getz, Catherine Moore
The committee agreed that the minutes from last meeting will be evaluated for approval at the next meeting (3/1). The committee reviewed and discussed the CLAS Dissertation Writing Fellowship guidelines. Dean Getz stressed that fundable projects should be nearing completion; the dissertation must be completed, defended, and deposited in accordance with the stated criteria. The group discussed the DWF applications, which they had read and scored the previous week, finally voting to award 10 fellowships.
Meeting adjourned.
March 1, 2024
Present: Jen Buckley, Brian Ekdale, Christine Getz, Bryan Phillips, Catherine Moore, Ted Powers, David Puderbaugh
Absent: Tara Hicks
The committee unanimously approved the minutes approved from 2/2 and 2/16/2024 meetings, without discussion. The group briefly talked about the application process for the Marcus Bach Graduate Fellowships and the Dissertation Writing Fellowships. The committee discussed ways to increase awareness within departments about the DWF’s and the Bach’s distinctive criteria, as well as the most beneficial time in their program for students to apply. The committee discussed the departmental nomination processes for the CLAS DWF and the Graduate College’s Ballard and Seashore Fellowship. Dean Getz described possible changes to the ESPA and EPLT test processes. Dean Getz asked for and received committee members’ agreement to assist with the Graduate Assistantship application process.
The meeting was adjourned.
March 29, 2024
Present: Associate Dean Christine Getz, CLAS Administrative Specialist Catherine Moore, Brian Eckdale, Jodie Plumert, and Ted Powers.
Absent: Jennifer Buckley Tara Hicks, Bryan Phillips, David Puderbaugh
Discussion of the Department of Chemistry’s proposal for a graduate certificate in Radiochemistry. Those members present concluded that the certificate be recommended to CLAS leadership for approval, with the provision that it be accompanied by an MOU between CLAS and the Graduate College confirming that the revenue generated by both degree-seeking and non-degree students enrolled in it flow to CLAS. Final approval of the certificate will be conducted by an e-mail vote due to the lack of a GEPC voting majority at the current meeting.
Meeting adjourned.
April 19, 2024
Present: Jodie Plumert, Brian Ekdale, Ted Powers, Tara Hicks, Christine Getz, Catherine Moore, Cornelia Lang
Absent: Jen Buckley, Bryan Phillips, David Puderbaugh
Request for GEPC lead breakout groups at the May 3 CLAS DGS meeting. Update on Radiochemistry Graduate Certificate Proposal.
Presentation by Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, Cornelia Lang
Overview of proposed School of Earth, Environment, and Sustainability, which will bring together the departments of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Geographical and Sustainability Sciences; this proposal will go before the Board of Regents in September 2024, with a proposed start date of Fall 2025. The proposal would move the masters and doctoral degree programs in each of the departments into the new School.
Overview of proposed changes to the structure of several departments within the Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; changes are being proposed to the Board of Regents in September 2024, with a proposed start date of Fall 2025. The graduate programs in these departments and under the Division would move under the proposed Department of Languages, Linguistics, Literatures and Culture.
Meeting adjourned
Wednesday, September 18, 2024