Students with absences
What is a reasonable amount of help to extend to a student at this point in the semester? It can be helpful for instructors to consider the questions below about the student and the course, using the answers as a guide for any related decisions about giving extensions for assignments, projects, and other work, or other grading accommodations.
Questions about the student’s performance before the absences occurred:
- Learning outcomes: Can the student meet the learning outcomes of the course given the number of absences?
- Good standing: Overall, was the student’s work submitted for the course to date satisfactory, i.e., at least of average quality?
- Attendance and participation: Did the student usually attend class? Was the student’s work generally submitted by the relevant deadlines? Did the student take any previous exams or quizzes at the day and time scheduled?
- Communication: Has the student communicated reliably with the instructor as needed?
Please also review the Student Attendance and Absences page, and contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs (, 319-335-2633) if you have questions or concerns.
Grading guidelines
Please see CLAS grading guidelines at Grades: Undergraduate Policies.
Grading extension
In some situations where a student has an extenuating circumstance and they have earned a passing grade in the course with only a small amount of work remaining to complete, CLAS now encourages an instructor to enter the grade the student earned at the end of the course, then to allow the student a short extension to complete the remaining work. After the remaining work is completed, the instructor may submit a grade change. The remaining required course work should be completed, and the grade changed, within one additional semester (excluding summer or winter sessions). Another option is for an instructor to assign a mark of Incomplete, see Incompletes.
Late drops or late withdrawal
The deadline for students to drop individual semester-length courses or withdraw from the entire fall semester was Monday, November 18. Please refer students with questions to CLAS Undergraduate Programs in 120 Schaeffer Hall or Undergraduate students who wish to drop a course or withdraw their registration after the deadline will need collegiate authorization.
Supporting students’ mental health and wellness
This is the time of the year when students experience a great deal of stress, sometimes with serious consequences. Please review this guidance from the CLAS Dean's Office and CLAS Undergraduate Programs and the Supporting Students' Mental Health and Wellness page. Please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs (, 319-335-2633) if you have questions or concerns.