The Hubbard-Walder Award for Excellence in Teaching recognizes up to five outstanding faculty members who have demonstrated excellence in a rich variety of university teaching (e.g., undergraduate, graduate or professional, classroom, one-on-one) and contributed to curriculum and/or program development. Each award carries a $1,000 stipend.
Each DEO is eligible to submit one nomination to the Council on Teaching on behalf of a faculty member in the DEO’s department. DEOs are encouraged to use a collaborative and inclusive nomination process that involves faculty, administrators, and students.
Nominations must be submitted to by Monday, February 3, 2025. Nomination guidelines are described on the Hubbard-Walder Award webpage.
Who May Be Nominated
Nominees must have a minimum of six years of teaching experience at the University of Iowa and must hold the rank of associate professor, professor, clinical associate professor, clinical professor, associate professor of instruction/practice, or professor of instruction/practice.
Evidence of a nominee's excellence in teaching and curriculum and/or program development may include, but are not limited to, the following activities:
- Teaching a variety of courses and students at the undergraduate and graduate/professional levels.
- Supervising student research and independent study at the undergraduate and graduate/professional levels.
- Teaching in a variety of course formats, e.g., traditional lecture or seminar courses, lab or workshop-based courses, team-teaching, interdisciplinary teaching, or online teaching.
- Developing new courses, certificates, minors, majors, and/or programs.
- Significant revision of existing courses and programs to incorporate innovative pedagogical practices or materials.
- Developing or contributing to courses and programs that incorporate high impact educational practices, e.g., first-year seminars, service or community-based learning, study abroad, internships, or capstone courses.
Note: This memo was also published on November 20, December 11, 2024, January 8, and January 15, 2025.