Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The CLAS Outstanding Outreach and Public Engagement Award honors deserving CLAS faculty members who have engaged in activities that brings the University of Iowa to broader communities in significant and sustained ways. 

To nominate a colleague, submit a nomination letter describing outreach activities, the community served, and the impact of the activity. Examples of such activities include developing and implementing service learning in a course or courses, scholarly work that engages a wider community, teaching in non-traditional settings, and other endeavors in which the expertise and talents of faculty and staff in CLAS reach local, regional, or broader communities. 

Faculty with appointments of 50% or more in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the University of Iowa are eligible for the Outstanding Outreach and Public Engagement Award, which includes monetary recognition.

The award application deadline for academic year 2024-2025 is Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Nomination materials should be sent to Jennifer Bertrand ( The CLAS Teaching Awards Committee will review all nominations and select the recipient. 

See past recipients of the Outstanding Outreach and Public Engagement Award at

Note: This memo was also published on December 11, 2024 and January 22, 2025.