Wednesday, August 28, 2024

As a reminder, applications for the Council on Teaching Fall 2024 Teaching in Higher Education Conference Award are due by September 3, 2024. The award is for conferences occurring between September and December 2024. Please share this opportunity with faculty and staff in your area. 

This award supports faculty (clinical, tenure-track/tenured, and instructional track) and P&S staff who plan to attend a conference related to teaching in their discipline or in higher education in general (i.e., curriculum design, course design and delivery, pedagogical good practice, or assessment of learning) and apply this new information to enhance teaching effectiveness at the University of Iowa. 

A maximum of $1,500 may be awarded per applicant and must be applied to the cost of travel, hotel, or conference registration (in-person or virtual). Please note that this award will not apply to research-focused conferences or annual meetings, even if that information is incorporated into a faculty member's teaching.

Preference will be given to applicants who have been invited or approved to present at a national conference. Such presentations could include workshops, keynote addresses, seminars, demonstrations, posters, and simulations. 

If you have questions related to the Teaching in Higher Education Conference Award, please contact