End-of-Semester Course Evaluations: The university’s system for collecting end-of-semester course feedback was updated in summer 2024. The new system, known as Student Perceptions of Teaching (SPOT), replaces the Assessing the Classroom Environment (ACE) system. Instructors are encouraged to allow 10-15 minutes in your final class for students to complete evaluations online. More information, including a timeline on when results become available for instructors, is available here.
Submitting Final Grades: For semester-length classes, final grades must be submitted via MAUI and in "approved" status within 3 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after the close of examination week. Note that because there are university observed holidays on December 24 and 25, the due date for fall 2024 final grades to be in approved status is Friday, December 27. Remember that DEOs must approve final grades, so please plan accordingly, and allow them enough time to meet this deadline by submitting your grades before December 27.
Supporting students’ mental health and wellness in CLAS: This is the time of the year when students experience a great deal of stress, sometimes with serious consequences. Please review this guidance from the CLAS Dean's Office and CLAS Undergraduate Programs and the Supporting Students' Mental Health and Wellness page. Please contact CLAS Undergraduate Programs (clas-undergrad@uiowa.edu, 319-335-2633) if you have questions or concerns.
Finals Week Resources for Students: Fall 2024 Final Examination Week is December 16–20. Please encourage your students to look for Finals Week and Winter Break information to come from the following offices or share this list with your students:
- Finals at IMU Events: https://imu.uiowa.edu/students/finals/ (includes a free pancake breakfast and numerous other goodies!)
- UI Libraries: https://blog.lib.uiowa.edu
- After Class (student-focused events on campus): https://afterclass.uiowa.edu/events
- Recreational Services: https://recserv.uiowa.edu
- UI Human Resources Family Services (childcare needs): https://hr.uiowa.edu/family-services/child-care
- Undergraduate Student Government: https://usg.uiowa.edu/
- Tutor Iowa: https://tutor.uiowa.edu/resources (study tips and resources)
Note: This memo was also published on December 4 and 11, 2024