The basis of the Staff Recognition Thank you Program is to recognize a CLAS staff member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to be of assistance to a faculty or staff member or student. Recognition is acknowledged with a thank you note sent on behalf of the nominator, the Dean, and the Staff Recognition Committee.
The following are guiding principles for the Staff Recognition Thank You Program and are in support of achieving and sustaining distinction for the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences:
- Faculty, staff, and students may submit a staff recognition Thank You form.
- All current CLAS staff (both budgeted and hourly) are eligible to receive a staff recognition Thank You card.
- Recognition forms will be submitted electronically, and the nominator will receive an electronic acknowledgement.
- A representative from the Dean’s Office will send a Thank You card via campus mail to the person being recognized.
- The cost of administering the program will be funded by the Staff Recognition Committee’s budget.
- Nominees will be listed on the CLAS Staff Recognition Committee website.
Say thanks
Past recipients
March 2024-present
March 2024-present
Name | Department |
Ann Knudson | International Programs |
March 2023-February 2024
March 2023-February 2024
Name | Department |
Adam Krueger | Art and Art History |
John Hayes | CLAS Technology Services |
Justin Kahler | Health and Human Physiology |
Chris Crawford | CLAS Human Resources |
Molly Dahlberg | Dance |
Maureen O'Neill | CLAS Administration |
Will Brown | Libraries Information Technologies |
Margie Ebert | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Heather Roth | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Tom Barnhart | Engineering Electronics Shop |
Matthieu Biger | Computer Science |
Benjamin Revis | Chemistry |
Becky Huber | Psychology and Brain Sciences |
Amy Rood | Psychology and Brain Sciences |
March 2022-February 2023
March 2022-February 2023
Name | Department |
Justin Hess | CLAS Technology Services |
Alexander Weber | ITS-Enterprise Services |
Kyle Schaefer | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Daniel Vorwerk | International Programs |
Manny Stegall | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Stephanie Nettleton | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Jenna D. Miller | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Rebekah R. Podolefsky | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Jenny Ritchie | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Neevetha Sivagurunathan | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Amy Rood | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Carrie Whittaker | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Ruthina Malone | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Trent Petersen | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Becky Huber | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Mark Bennett | CLAS Technology Services |
Travis Dillavou | Grant Support Office |
Shelly Lett | Shared Services |
Ryan Kirkey | CLAS Finance |
Vance Morris | CLAS Human Resources |
March 2021-February 2022
March 2021-February 2022
Name | Department |
Matt Swanson | CLAS Technology Services |
Katie McClellen | Division of Performing Arts and Theatre Arts |
Amy Huston | Division of Performing Arts |
Steve Kehoe | Biology |
Richard Dvorsky | Physics and Astronomy |
Isaac Podolefsky | CLAS Technology Services |
Gary Wiest | University Shared Services |
Griffin Idleman | Art and Art History |
Andrew Evans | Art and Art History |
Kimberly Maher | Art and Art History |
Leslie Anstedt | Hancher |
Shannon Grecian | Sterile Products |
Elizabeth Barnes | Hancher |
Renee Houser | Registrar |
Jordan Keller-Wilson | Grant Support Office |
Cintia Cutter | Sterile Products |
Rachel Gold | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Jen Graham | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Micki Burdick | Communication Studies |
Kelley Thirtyacre | Facilities Management |
Rachel McLaren | Communication Studies |
Robin Burns | Religious Studies |
Shamire Rothmiller | Rehab and Counselor Education |
Trent Petersen | ITS |
Eric Grimes | ITS |
Kathryn Hall | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Dan Summers | Biology |
Sarolta Petersen | International Programs |
Kaitlyn Behan | Computer Science |
Jamie Grecian | Pharmaceuticals |
Laura Kastens | American Studies |
Melia Pieper | Computer Science |
March 2020-February 2021
March 2020-February 2021
Name | Department |
Brittany Ogden | Dean's Office |
Peter Hubbard | Academic Programs and Student Development |
Terry Tharp | Anthropology |
Sarah Horgen | Anthropology |
Shari Knight | Anthropology |
Isaac Pdolefsky | CLAS Technology Services |
Tiffany Schier | Health and Human Physiology |
Liz Cecil | Political Science |
Becky Kirk | Biology |
Matt Swanson | CLAS Technology Services |
Pat Goodwin | History |
Maureen Walterhouse | Religious Studies |
Margaret Driscol | Mathematics |
Tammy Siegel | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Julie Jones | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
March 2019-February 2020
March 2019-February 2020
Name | Department |
Ryan Kirkey | CLAS Finance |
Trent Petersen | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Carrie Whittaker | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Kari Gates | Dean's Office |
Robert Butler | Language Media Center |
Genette Campbell | Health and Human Physiology |
Kayt Conrad | Division of Performing Arts |
Troy Fitzpatrick | Art and Art History |
Diane Fountain | Dean's Office |
Nick Francisco | Chemistry |
Jennifer Graham | CLAS Technology Services |
Alaina Hanson | Dean's Office |
Allison Hancock | Sociology |
Becky Huber | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Amanda Jensen | Academic Programs and Student Development |
Tom Koeppel | Physics and Astronomy |
Melia Pieper | Dean's Office |
Barbara Pooley | English, Philosophy, and Rhetoric |
Merry Powell | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
March 2018-February 2019
March 2018-February 2019
Name | Department |
Allison Rockwell | Interdisciplinary Programs |
Tiffany Schier | Health and Human Physiology |
Christine Stevens | Dean's Office |
Kate Torno Fashimpaur | Academic Programs and Student Development |
Maureen Walterhouse | Religious Studies |
Deborah West | Creative Writing |
Jan Zenisek | Creative Writing |
March 2017-February 2018
March 2017-February 2018
Name | Department |
Becky Huber | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Carrie Whittaker | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Alison Casella | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Tiffany Phillips | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Sam Schrup | ITS |
Tammy Siegel | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Melia Pieper | Dean's Office |
Jacquie Albrecht | Cinematic Arts |
Rebecca Tritten | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Matt Swanson | CLAS Technology Services |
Jenna Miller | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Brenda Gritsch | Dean's Office |
Emily Haworth | Dean's Office |
Pattie Kimbrough | Dean's Office |
Alaina Hanson | Dean's Office |
Dian Gottlob | Dean's Office |
Allison Bierman | Dean's Office |
Karen Noggle | Dean's Office |
Isaac Pdolefsky | CLAS Technology Services |
Jenny Britton | CLAS Human Resources |
Sherry Roe | Dean's Office |
Kari Gates | CLAS Human Resources |
Carole Kern | Dean's Office |
Kathy Hall | Academic Programs and Student Development |
Peter Hubbard | Academic Programs and Student Development |
Diane Hauser | Academic Programs and Student Development |
Catherine Till | Computer Science |
Sherry Roe | Dean's Office |
Nick Carino-Marek |
Jone Yates |
Cindy Van Ark | Mathematics |
Doug Slauson | Mathematics |
March 2016-February 2017
March 2016-February 2017
Name | Department |
Laura Barnard | CLAS Administration |
Nick Carino-Marek | CLAS Technology Services |
Wendy Danger | Dean's Office |
Margie Ebert | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Aaron Elam | ITS |
Mike Estenson | Chemistry |
Andy Evans | College of Liberal Arts and Sciences |
Nick Francisco | Chemistry |
Megan Gioielli | CLAS Administration |
Dian Gottlob | CLAS Administration |
Kathy Hall | CLAS Administration |
Bob Irwin | CLAS Technology Services |
Ruthina Malone | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Kyle Marxen | CLAS Finance |
Keith Miller | Psychological and Brain Sciences |
Shonda Monette | Chemistry |
Wanda Osborn | Communication Studies |
Elana Osinskaya | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Chris Piker | Physics and Astronomy |
Merry Powell | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Saralyn Richardson | Dean's Office |
Heather Roth | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Terry Tharp | CLAS Technology Services |
Frank Turner | Chemistry |
March 2015-February 2016
March 2015-February 2016
Name | Department |
Rebekah Ahrens | CLAS Technology Services |
Jan Barnholdt | Physics and Astronomy |
Irina Bassis | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Maria Bertorello | Physics and Astronomy |
Jenny Britton | English, Rhetoric, Philosophy, Linguistics |
Jon Burke | CLAS Administration |
Nicholas Carino-Marek | Earth and Environmental Sciences |
Joyce Chrisinger | Physics and Astronomy |
Wendy Danger | CLAS Administration |
Susan Dirks | Social Work |
Jeremy Faden | Physics and Astronomy |
Larry Granroth | Physics and Astronomy |
George Hospodarsky | Physics and Astronomy |
Greg Johnson | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures IT |
Tom Koeppel | Biology |
Andy Kopf | Physics and Astronomy |
Kathy Kurth | Physics and Astronomy |
Phil Maul | CLAS Technology Services |
Patrick Mendoza | CLAS Administration |
Shelli Meyer | Chemistry |
Heather Mineart | Physics and Astronomy |
Shonda Monette | Chemistry |
Wanda Osburn | Communication Studies |
Julie Ostrem | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
Chris Piker | Physics and Astronomy |
Isaac Podolefsky | CLAS Administration |
Julie Rogers | CLAS Administration |
Laura Schipper | CLAS Administration |
Andrea Shaevitz | Physics and Astronomy |
Kris Sigsbee | Physics and Astronomy |
Shari Sorensen | CLAS Administration |
Jenifer Steil | CLAS Technology Services |
Dale Stille | Physics and Astronomy |
Matthew Swanson | CLAS Technology Services |
Christy Ties | Social Work |
Kris Thompson | Physics and Astronomy |
Maureen Walterhouse | Religious Studies |
Kristen Wolf | CLAS Administration |
March 2014-February 2015
March 2014-February 2015
Name | Department |
Kathy Rebal | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
Eileen Sullivan | Biology |
Pat Arkema | Art and Art History |
Tom Koeppel | Biology |
Becky Kick | Journalism and Mass Communication |
Mark Fullenkamp | CLAS Technology Services |
Denise Hamer | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Bob Irwin | CLAS Technology Services |
Lyle Juracek | Dance |
Michele Ketchum | Journalism and Mass Communication |
Cheri Hansen-Reiskamp | English |
John Compton | English |
Laura Kastens | American Studies |
Mark Bennett | CLAS Technology Services |
Cole Metcalf | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Tammy Siegel | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Becky Kick | Journalism and Mass Communication |
Michele Ketchum | Journalism and Mass Communication |
Janet Erickson | CLAS Technology Services |
Jan Reynolds | CLAS Finance |
Kris Bevelacqua | Rhetoric, Philosophy, Linguistics |
Lyle Juracek | Dance |
Rachel Gold | Biology |
Steve Kehoe | Biology |
Larry Granroth | Physics and Astronomy |
Chris Piker | Physics and Astronomy |
Isaac Podolefsky | Dean's Office |
Paul Cunliffe | Dance |
Susan Sager | Organizational Effectiveness, UI Human Resources |
Madison Bell | Dance |
Tammy Siegel | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Laura Schipper | CLAS Administration |
Saralyn Schiek | CLAS Administration |
Kayt Conrad | Division of Performing Arts |
Karen Noggle | CLAS Administration |
Jeff Donoghue | CLAS Finance |
March 2013-February 2014
March 2013-February 2014
Name | Department |
Andrea Shaevitz | Physics and Astronomy |
Christine Stevens | Physics and Astronomy |
Pat Arkema | Art and Art History |
Emily Campbell | CLAS Finance |
Chuck Wieland | Social Work |
Dan Knight | Dance |
Bob Irwin | CLAS Technology Services |
Merry Powell | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Madison Bell | Sociology and Criminology |
Cherie Hansen-Rieskamp | English |
Shonda Monette | Chemistry |
Rita Schmidt | Music |
Laura Schipper | CLAS Administration |
Chris Lake | CLAS Administration |
Lyle Juracek | Dance |
Kayt Conrad | Division of Performing Arts |
Karna Wieck | CLAS Finance |
Tammy Siegel | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Catherine Till | Computer Science |
Barbara Yerkes | CLAS Administration |
Laura Kastens | American Studies |
Maren Rogers | CLAS Administration |
Thomas Koeppel | Biology |
Alaina Neu | CLAS Administration |
Dian Gottlob | CLAS Administration |
Lisa Gray | CLAS Administration |
Elizabeth Curl | English |
Monica Madura | Academic Programs |
Dena Miller | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Michael Thornburg | Physics and Astronomy |
Isaac Podolfsky | CLAS Technology Services |
Nancy Fick | CLAS Human Resources |
Maria Padron | Biology |
Steve Kehoe | Biology |
Becky Scott | Journalism and Mass Communication |
Jeff Donoghue | CLAS Technology Services |
Robin Burns | Religious Studies |
Joe Loria | Physics and Astronomy |
Brianna Sanchez | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Tim Kakavas | Journalism and Mass Communication |
Phil Maul | CLAS Technology Services |
Maria Lukas | Dance |
Lisa Brewster | Dance |
Elise Johnson | Dance |
Denise Hamer | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Aaron Votroubek | Physics and Astronomy |
Julie Rogers | CLAS Administration |
Jennifer Reynolds | CLAS Finance |
March 2012-February 2013
March 2012-February 2013
Name | Department |
Mike Hendrickson | CLAS Technology Services |
Bruce Ritchie | Biology |
Bomo Shen | Biology |
Bob Irwin | CLAS Technology Services |
Joan Seye | Health and Human Physiology |
Lauren Eldridge | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
Dena Miller | Statistics and Actuarial Science |
Becky Birch | Biology |
Shelley Plattner | Biology |
Matthew Brockman | Biology |
Steve Kehoe | Biology |
Hanh Kratz | Biology |
Jeremy Richardson | Biology |
Leslie Finer | Division of Performing Arts |
Lisa Gray | CLAS Administration |
Nic Arp | CLAS Administration |
Barb Yerkes | CLAS Administration |
Chuck Wieland | Social Work |
Jessie Trepanier | Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures |
Joyce Murphy | Health and Human Physiology |
Catherine Till | Computer Science |
Kathy Rebal | Communication Sciences and Disorders |
Brenda Goode | Chemistry |
Rosemary Zimmerman | Journalism and Mass Communication |
Brandon Alberhasky | Sociology |
Jerri Wolfe | Health and Human Physiology |
Troy Fitzpatrick |
Dan Knight | Dance |
John Hawn | CLAS Administration |
Ben Speare | CLAS Technology Services |
Mark Fullenkamp | CLAS Technology Services |
Denise Hamer | CLAS Administration |
Alaina Neu | CLAS Administration |
Jeff Donoghue | CLAS Finance |
Sheryl Semler | Computer Science |
Kristen Wolf | CLAS Finance |
Kate Thompson | Music |
Kathy Reeves | Music |
Pauline Wieland Plowman | Music |
Rita Schmidt | Music |
Kayt Conrad | Division of Performing Arts |
Emily Campbell | CLAS Finance |
Karna Wieck | CLAS Finance |