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Promotion of Instructional Faculty
Instructional Faculty may request a promotion review at any point in their career; however, promotion reviews will generally occur in their sixth year of service in their current rank.
An instructional faculty member who wishes to be reviewed for promotion must formally request the review by May 1 of the calendar year in which the review will be initiated. An instructional faculty member who has been denied promotion is encouraged to wait until the promotion record has changed substantially before requesting another review.
Departments are expected to make all reasonable efforts to meet these deadlines, though the College recognizes that minor variations may occur for a range of reasons.
(Note: Departments may establish earlier deadlines in their procedures for promotion decision-making.)
- By May 1: The instructional faculty member seeking promotion formally requests a review, in a letter to the DEO.
- By May 15: The DEO forwards to the Dean’s Office the names and CVs of any instructional faculty members seeking promotion review in the next academic year.
- By May 15: The DEO informs the candidates of the materials to be submitted for the promotion dossier and the deadline for submission.
- By September 1: The candidate submits promotion dossier to the DEO.
- By first working day in November: The Departmental Promotion Committee submits to the DEO its report evaluating the candidate’s teaching and service utilizing the CLAS Promotion Committee report template.
- Within five working days of the submission of the report, the DEO places the report in the Promotion Record and transmits a copy to the candidate.
- Within five working days of the DEO’s transmittal of the report to the candidate, the candidate may write to correct factual errors in the committee’s report.
- In November: The Departmental Consulting Group (DCG) accesses the Promotion Record, meets to discuss the Record and votes on the decision, and prepares the summary report of the discussion and vote. The report utilizes the CLAS DCG report template (to Associate Professor of Instruction, to Professor of Instruction). The candidate receives a copy of the meeting summary and has five working days to respond to factual errors in the DCG meeting summary.
- The DCG for a candidate for promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction/Practice will consist of:
- all tenured faculty,
- all tenure-track associate and full professors,
- all clinical associate and full professors, and
- all associate and full professors of instruction/practice.
- The DCG for a candidate for promotion to Professor of Instruction/Practice will consist of:
- all tenured/tenure-track full professors,
- all clinical full professors, and
- all full professors of instruction/practice.
- The DCG for a candidate for promotion to Associate Professor of Instruction/Practice will consist of:
- In early December (exact dates listed here): The DEO submits the Promotion Record to the Dean’s Office with the record of the DCG discussion and vote, and with the DEO’s letter of recommendation utilizing the CLAS DEO Letter template. If the DEO’s recommendation is negative, the candidate receives a copy of the DEO letter. The candidate then has three working days to request from the Dean redacted documents from the Promotion Record and, within five working days of receiving the materials, may submit a written response and additional information to the Dean.
- In mid to late-January: The Collegiate Consulting Group (CCG) reviews departmental recommendations pursuant to the promotion of instructional faculty. If the CCG’s recommendation is negative, the candidate receives a summary report of the CCG’s discussion. The candidate has three working days to request redacted documents from the Promotion Record and, within five working days after receiving redacted materials, may submit a written response before the dean’s recommendation is submitted to the provost.
- In early to mid-February: The dean submits the Promotion Record to the provost, including the vote and recommendation of the CCG and the Dean’s letter of recommendation for or against promotion. If the Dean’s recommendation is against promotion, the dean will provide the candidate with a copy of the dean’s letter to the provost at the same time the record is submitted to the provost. The candidate then has three working days to request redacted documents from the Promotion Record. The candidate will be allowed five working days after receiving redacted materials to submit a written response to the Provost. If the candidate submits a letter of response to the Provost for inclusion in the Promotion Record, the candidate shall also give the Dean a copy of the response.
- In March: The Provost notifies the Dean of decisions, pending approval by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. The Dean notifies candidates and DEOs. If the Provost’s decision is negative, the candidate is informed of appeal procedures.
Criteria for Promotion (Effective 7/1/2024)
Promotion to Associate and Full Professor of Instruction
Associate Professor of Instruction
1. Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position.
2. Over a typical span of five years at the college’s rank of Assistant Professor of Instruction, an established record of:
a) effectiveness in teaching; and
b) effectiveness in service to the department.
Professor of Instruction
1. Terminal degree or other educational qualifications appropriate to the position.
2. Over a typical span of five years at the college’s rank of Associate Professor of Instruction, a sustained record of:
a) effectiveness in teaching;
b) contributions to the teaching mission such as curriculum redesign or development, mentorship of other faculty, or other leadership; and
c) effectiveness in service to the department as well as the college, institution, profession, or community.
Promotion to Associate and Full Professor of Practice
Associate Professor of Practice
1. Terminal degree or other educational or professional qualifications appropriate to the position.
2. Over a typical span of five years at the college’s rank of Assistant Professor of Practice, an established record of:
a) effectiveness in teaching; and
b) effectiveness in service to the department
3. Evidence of professional activity in the field of practice.
Professor of Practice
1. Terminal degree or other educational qualifications or professional qualifications appropriate to the position.
2. Over a typical span of five years at the college’s rank of Associate Professor of Practice, a sustained record of:
a) effectiveness in teaching;
b) contributions to the teaching mission such as curriculum redesign or development, mentorship of other faculty, or other leadership; and
c) effectiveness in service to the department as well as the college, institution, profession, or community.
3. Evidence of professional activity in the field of practice.
Service and Professional Activity
In CLAS, instructional faculty are expected to actively engage in service, defined as duties or contributions outside of their teaching load. These service responsibilities benefit the department, as well as the college, university, discipline, or community.
Departments shall allocate departmental service assignments considering the department's needs and the effort required. Instructional faculty fulfill service obligations as defined in their contractual workload allocation (see Workload section g); that is, full-time instructional faculty with an 80% teaching allocation are expected to dedicate 20% of their time to service, whereas 60% teaching appointments will expect 40% service. Instructional faculty with less than full-time status will have their percentage of service adjusted accordingly. Departments will define and articulate what a 20% service load (or other defined service percentage when appropriate) entails in their discipline and are encouraged to establish a comprehensive list of discipline-specific or department-specific service activities as guidance.
Departmental service is often the core of instructional faculty service; however, service roles may adjust in focus with rank as noted in the criteria for promotion. For example, instructional faculty in associate or full professor ranks may seek out collegiate or university level service or may be needed in various leadership roles within their department and/or discipline.
Instructional faculty may serve in advanced roles such as program heads, directors of undergraduate or graduate studies, professional studies where appropriate, or other executive or leadership roles, in which case, their workload effort allocation will be adjusted accordingly.
Professional Activity
Professional activity is defined as active engagement in the field. Conventional professional work such as research, scholarship, or artistic creation may count toward promotion and reappointment but are not required. Professional activity may contribute toward effective teaching or service.
Basis for Evaluation: The Promotion Record
The qualifications of a candidate for promotion will be determined on the basis of the Promotion Record, which, when it reaches the Dean, will consist of the following material:
1. the Instructional-Track Table of Contents, Table of Contents #2, Other Teaching Materials, and the Table of Contents #3, Other Professional Productivity Materials (PDF #3 is optional for faculty being considered for promotion during 2024-25).
2. the “Recommendation for Instructional Faculty Promotion” cover sheet;
3. Collegiate or Department criteria for promotion;
4. the recommendation and vote (and report, if any) of the CCG;
5. the DEO’s letter making a recommendation to the Dean;
6. the recommendation, vote, and report of the DCG;
7. any letters submitted by the candidate at specified stages of the process to correct errors in the internal peer evaluations of the candidate’s teaching, professional productivity, and service or in the DCG’s report; or to respond to a letter of the DEO, or the CCG summary report;
8. the candidate’s CV, which documents the candidate’s educational and professional history;
9. a section on the candidate’s teaching including:
a. the candidate’s personal statement on teaching,
b. documentation of peer evaluation of the candidate’s teaching (the same number of classroom observations that have been established by each department) are required, as documented in “Faculty Appointment & Review Department-Level Procedures, Section D”, and
c. other materials related to the candidate’s teaching.
10. (optional for faculty being considered for promotion during 2024-25) a section on the candidate’s professional productivity, including:
a. the candidate’s personal statement on professional productivity,
b. documentation of internal peer evaluation of the candidate’s professional productivity;
c. other materials related to the candidate’s professional productivity.
11. a section on the candidate’s other service, including:
a. the candidate’s personal statement on service,
b. documentation of internal evaluation of the candidate’s service, and
c. other materials related to the candidate’s service.
12. the following materials from the candidate’s most recent review for contract renewal: the Instructional Faculty review form, and the candidate’s response(s);
13. copies of all contracts and MOUs defining workload and expectations at the current rank.
14. supplementary material to be added to the Promotion Record as expressly provided in these procedures or departmental procedures, entered in the appropriate section of the Record. Materials added to the original dossier or materials in the original dossier that are amended should be labeled as such, including the date when added or amended and with amendments clearly marked.
Submission Instructions: Instructional-Track Promotion Records
Preliminary Review of Promotion Records: Approximately November 1, 2024 (after P&T Committee Report has been added to the Promotion Record)
Instructional-Track Promotion Records will be submitted to the College as three bookmarked pdfs (the primary Promotion Record pdf, “Other Teaching Materials” pdf, and the "Other Professional Productivity Materials" pdf) via a College-established email ( or via the CLAS File Cabinet. PDF#3 "Other Professional Productivity Materials" is an optional PDF for 2024-25 promotion considerations.
Final Submission Deadline: December 4, 2023 (2024 date TBA)
Please see the Instructional Track policy.
Contact Tiffany Schier (319-384-1172) or Rachel Spengler (319-335-1937) with any questions.