We’re already a month into the spring semester, and longer days and warmer weather are on the horizon! 

As we navigate the rest of winter, please be reminded of the Well-Being at Iowa site, a resource for faculty, staff, and students. You can connect with fitness and nutrition services, mindfulness programs, safety supports, and more to prioritize your physical and mental health. 

Take care of yourself. As always, thank you for all you do and for being a part of CLAS.

More CLAS news

Check out more CLAS stories by visiting the news section of the CLAS website.

CLAS announcements

Hunter to present University of Iowa’s Presidential Lecture

Eric Hunter, DEO and professor in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, will co-deliver the university’s 42nd Presidential Lecture on March 5 at 3 p.m. in the International Ballroom at the Iowa Memorial Union. Add the event to your calendar!

Employee updates

Please join us in welcoming and congratulating CLAS faculty and staff on their hiring, promotion, or transfer within the college. Check out this list of CLAS employee updates from last month.

Upcoming events

Book Matters: Celebrate recent works from two CLAS faculty

Tuesday, Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. at Prairie Lights

Brady G’Sell and Meena Khandelwal, faculty in departments of Anthropology and Gender, Women’s, and Sexuality Studies, will read from their recent books. A conversation and audience Q&A will follow the readings. 

Black History Month

Throughout February, the Afro-American Cultural Center, a UI student organization, is sponsoring a variety of events and workshops to recognize important contributions of Black Americans. Upcoming events include a discussion of “Beloved” by Toni Morrison with CLAS faculty member DK Nnuro.

For more CLAS-specific events, visit the university events calendar.