Earlier deadlines in the review process

The following departments have established deadlines that are earlier than those in the CLAS Timeline for Promotion and Tenure:

AnthropologyMay 15Candidate submits to DEO their curriculum vitae
June 1Candidate submits to DEO their research statement and selected publications for external evaluators
BiologyFeb. 15Deadline for faculty members to request voluntary review
May 1Candidate provides DEO with list of potential external evaluators
French and ItalianMarch 1Deadline for faculty members to request voluntary reviews
GermanApril 15Deadline for formation of the departmental promotion and tenure committee
May 1List of external evaluators will be identified and these individuals will be contacted with the aim of obtaining agreements from them to serve as reviewers by the end of the spring semester prior to the review
First day of 8-week summer sessionCandidate submits promotion dossier as described in University guidelines
HistoryApril 15Deadline for DEO to constitute departmental promotion and tenure committee
May 1Deadline for DEO to convene departmental promotion and tenure committee
MathematicsAug. 26Candidate's dossier submitted to DEO
PhilosophyApril 15Candidate's list of potential external evaluators submitted to DEO
Physics and AstronomyWednesday before first day of classesDeadline for candidate's submission of promotion dossier
Psychological and Brain SciencesMay 30Deadline for completing selection of external evaluators
First day of classesDeadline for candidate's submission of promotion dossier
Sept. 1Deadline for DEO's transmission of materials to external evaluators
Oct. 15Departmental P&T Committee report due to DEO
RhetoricMay 1Deadline for beginning the process of selecting external evaluators
Sociology and CriminologyAug. 1Deadline for tenure-track and tenured faculty candidates to submit promotion dossier to DEO
Spanish and PortugueseApril 1P&T Committee will be formed and DEO begins process of selecting external evaluators
May 15Process of soliciting external evaluators is complete
June 10Candidate submits promotion dossier to DEO
Statistics and Actuarial ScienceApril 1Candidate provides DEO with list of potential external referees
Aug. 15Candidate submits curriculum vitae, research statement, and copies of papers to be sent to external evaluator

Contents of candidate dossier

The following departments have specified materials for inclusion in the candidate's dossier in addition to those specified in the CLAS/UI Procedures, section I.B(3).

  • Biology: Each candidate will give a research seminar.
  • Dance: Videotape documentation is required for faculty doing choreographic research. Videotape of a minimum of three complete dances on ½ inch format must be submitted with the dossier. Six copies are required for the external evaluations.
  • Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies: Work in progress that has been completed, even if publication is still pending, will be considered a part of the dossier.

Departmental Promotion & Tenure Committee

The following departments have established specifications for the composition or formation of this committee in addition to those in section I.C of the CLAS/UI Procedures.

Art, Art History, and Design

The Director of the School of Art, Art History, and Design appoints Promotion and Tenure committees. Each committee is comprised of five faculty of appropriate rank, depending on the rank of the candidate. Four of the committee members will be from the Division of the School in which the candidate holds his/her appointment. The fifth committee member will be from the other Division. Committee appointments are made by April 1 of the semester prior to the semester in which the review will take place.


The Departmental P&T Committee includes three full professors who serve as the standing committee for all candidates; for each individual faculty member being reviewed, the DEO appoints an ad hoc "expert" to be an active member of the committee for purposes of preparing he summary of that faculty member's research accomplishments.


Departmental P&T Committee is the Departmental Consulting Group.

Communication Sciences and Disorders

The Departmental P&T Committee shall be comprised of all faculty eligible to be in the Departmental Consulting Group


The Departmental P&T Committee comprises four members.


The Department's Associate Chair of Faculty Programs will serve as one of the four members of each Departmental P&T Committee, co-chairing the committee and chairing the Departmental Consulting Group meeting(s).


By April 15 of the calendar year in which the candidate (candidates) will be reviewed for tenure or promotion, the members of the departmental promotion and tenure committee will be established. The DEO chooses the members of this committee in consultation with the candidate(s) and the Departmental Consulting Group.


By April 15 of the semester prior to which the review is to be undertaken, the DEO shall constitute a departmental promotion and tenure committee normally to consist of all eligible members of the department. The committee shall be convened by the DEO as soon as possible after April 15, but no later than May 1. The DEO in consultation with and based on recommendations from the committee will select full professors to serve as the chair and sub-chairs for each tenure or promotion case to be considered. The sub-chair will have the administrative responsibility of arranging peer evaluations of teaching and will participate in drafting the committee's reports on teaching, scholarship, and service. The chair of the committee, with the advice and assistance of the sub-chairs and other members of the committee, will be responsible for drafting the reports on the candidate's teaching, scholarship, and service and entering the reports in the promotion record.


At least one member of the Departmental P&T Committee must be from outside the candidate's area of research.


For candidates for tenure, the Departmental P&T Committee consists of the probationary review committee assigned to that candidate, with additional members appointed by the Director as necessary. For already tenured candidates being considered for promotion, the Director appoints the review committee as specified in the collegiate/University guidelines.

Physics and Astronomy

The DEO in consultation with the Executive Committee of the department will appoint a Departmental P&T Committee consisting of four faculty members from the Departmental Consulting Group to serve as the internal review committee for each candidate. When possible this committee should include faculty in the same area of research as the candidate. The full faculty will be informed of the committee membership.

Psychological and Brain Sciences

The Departmental P&T Committee will usually include faculty who have previously served on the candidate's review committee (for assistant and associate professors) and the candidate's mentoring committee (for assistant professors).

Sociology and Criminology

The faculty in the Department annually elect a Budget and Academic Status Committee consisting of four members that also serves as the departmental promotion and tenure committee for all cases of tenure and promotion to associate professor. For promotion to full professor, the departmental promotion committee consists of all full professors in the department.

Spanish and Portuguese

Because of the wide range of specialties in the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, each candidate for promotion and/or tenure will have an individually appointed committee. The DEO, in consultation first with the faculty member being reviewed and then with the entire faculty, appoints a committee consisting of at least four tenured faculty at or above the rank to which the candidate aspires.

Statistics and Actuarial Science

The Departmental P&T Committee consists of all tenured faculty members at or above the proposed rank.

Classroom observations

Departments have established that they will conduct the number of classroom observations specified below in conjunction with the peer evaluation of teaching described in the CLAS/UI Guidelines, section I.D(2).

  • American Studies: 1
  • Anthropology: 1
  • Art & Art History: 2
  • Asian & Slavic Languages & Literatures: 1 (performed by at least two members of the departmental promotion and tenure committee)
  • Biology: 2
  • Chemistry: 1
  • Cinematic Arts: 2
  • Classics: 2
  • Communication Sciences & Disorders: 1
  • Communication Studies: 2
  • Computer Science: 2
  • Dance: 3
  • Earth and Environmental Sciences: 2
  • English: 1
  • French & Italian: 1
  • Gender, Women's and Sexuality Studies: 1
  • Geographical and Sustainability Sciences: 2
  • German: 2 (conducted by two members of the departmental promotion and tenure committee, each observing a different class session)
  • Health & Human Physiology: 3 (each performed by a different member of the departmental promotion and tenure committee)
  • History: 3 (each conducted by a different member of the departmental promotion and tenure committee)
  • Journalism & Mass Communication: 2
  • Linguistics: 2
  • Mathematics: 2
  • Music: 3
  • Philosophy: 2
  • Physics & Astronomy: 3
  • Political Science: 1
  • Psychological & Brain Sciences: 1
  • Religious Studies: 2
  • Rhetoric: 2 through June 30, 2024; 1 effective July 1, 2025
  • Social Work: 1
  • Sociology and Criminology: 1
  • Spanish & Portuguese: 2
  • Statistics & Actuarial Science: 2
  • Theatre Arts: 2

Assessment of Service - Solicitation of Assessments

The following departments have specified that they will solicit assessments of service in every review for promotion and/or tenure, following the procedures in the CLAS/UI Guidelines, section I.F(2).

  • Rhetoric
Note: Under CLAS/UI Procedures, no unsolicited letters regarding teaching, research/scholarship/creative work, or service will be included in the promotion record.

Clinical track faculty

Clinical faculty should see the department-specific additions specific to them.