These are general guidelines, please use your professional judgment. We will test and iterate. Please let Griffin Idleman know any questions or concerns you have in regard to these guidelines.

Follow these steps

  1. ETS consultant accept ticket and attempt to solve the problem
  2. After 60 minutes of active work time, if you're not clear on a solution/path forward, contact the research specialist and your team lead to brainstorm together
  3. After an additional 60 minutes of active work time,
    1. Schedule a 30-minute Teams meeting - with the Action Team/Research Response & Resolution Team:
      1. initial consultant,
      2. Peter Franke,
      3. ETS team lead,
      4. anyone else who's worked on the issue,
      5. Griffin Idleman (Backups, in order: Brad Carson, Jonna Higgins-Freese, JJ Urich)
    2. Communication from Steps 1 & 2 to onboard the Action Team:
      1. What happened?
      2. What has been attempted?
      3. What was the result?
      4. Any ideas of next steps?
    3. The Tiger Team will consider factors for prioritizing and level of effort decision including: Balance whether research is actively funded to determine level of effort & priority (Alex Junk dashboard on grant status can be helpful here)
      1. May also consult departmental admins
      2. May need to consult with Brad Carson/Jonna Higgins-Freese/Josh Weiner if this is complicated/political
      3. Is vendor support available for the equipment/software?
      4. Would the project more appropriately be handled by a soft money staff member?
    4. Depending on the situation, the team will decide and clearly communicate with the ETS consultant, PI, and admin who will follow up and implement the fix
Additional note: If you're seeing a pattern happening that you think might be of interest/concern to Brad Carson/Griffin Idleman, please feel free to escalate