
  • Equipment fabrication and repair
  • Consultation, installation and support for new equipment
  • Monitoring of incubators and freezers and other vital equipment on a 24-hour basis
  • Maintain departmental equipment
  • Provide support for service centers, such as CCI and CCG
  • Grant writing consultation and support
  • Building renovation consultation and support
  • Design, fabricate and support for student projects
  • Building maintenance and repair


  • $75/hour for University of Iowa clients
  • $125/hr for external clients
  • Flat rates can be negotiated on a per project basis.
Picture of a man working on a model
Picture of a diagram


Hanh Kratz
Location: 27 Biology Building (BB) & G16 Spence Labs (SLP)
Phone: (319) 335-1066 & (319) 335-2470
E-mail: and include the following information:

  • Lab affiliation
  • Location of where the service is needed
  • Details of the service requested
  • Any other relevant information such as the MFK to charge the repair (if the repair/service involves departmental common equipment/space, please state that it is a departmental charge).

Please note that failure to include the above information may delay service.