The tables below list in detail the regularly occurring tasks required by DEOs. Deadlines and documents are attached where required. Additional deadlines will be posted as announced.

This information is also available via a shared Outlook calendar: Information on adding a shared calendar can be found here.

Tasks to be done regularly

FrequencyTaskDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
WeeklyReview & act on CLAS Business UpdatesWeekly email received from CLAS with announcements, reminders, due dates, policy implementation and changes.CLAS Business UpdatesRachel Spengler

Monthly tasks

july tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
OngoingReview Fall 2024 courses for low enrollment and cancel if needed.CLAS MAX : Course Planning and Enrollment : CLAS Low Enrollment Report 
July 9Submit Spring 2025 course offerings in MAUI. Planner closed on July 9, 2024.MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings Planner  

august tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
OngoingWork with faculty working toward promotion to ensure they have their promotion dossier submitted to DEO by September 1 deadlineTimeline for Promotion and TenureTiffany Schier
OngoingDEO reviews all Fall course syllabi for compliance Syllabus ReviewCLAS UP
August 6Summer 2025 course offering schedule due in MAUI. Offerings planner closed August 6, 2024.MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings Planner Department Admin or Delegate
August 19CLAS New DEO Orientation: Monday, August 19, 2024 Rachel Spengler
August 21CLAS New Faculty Orientation: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 Rachel Spengler
August 22CLAS DEO Retreat for all DEOs: Thursday, August 22, 2024 Rachel Spengler
August 26Reports for PDAs and other leaves completed during AY2023-24 are due to DEO August 26; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office September 2Professional Development Award (PDA) Recommendation & ApprovalCatherine Moore
August 27Promotion and Tenure Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person, August 27, 2024: 2:00-3:30pmFaculty Workshop RegistrationRachel Spengler
August 30Mary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Award applications dueMary Jo Small Staff Fellowship Award 

september tasks
DEADLINEDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
OngoingEnsure DCG meeting(s) for promotion candidates are scheduled for early NovemberPromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
OngoingPlan faculty reviews for the year. Ensure classroom observations are scheduled during the fall for any faculty that will be on leave in the spring semesterFaculty Review ScheduleTiffany Schier
September 1Promotion dossiers to be submitted to DEO by September 1 collegiate deadlinePromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
September 3Proposals for Teaching in Higher Education Conference Awards due (for September – December 2024 conferences)Teaching in Higher 
Education Conference Awards
September 4CLAS GE course proposals dueProposing a Course for GE StatusMatt Shadle
September 16CLAS Annual Faculty Meeting: September 16, 2024:  3:30-5:00pm  
September 20The National Science Foundation is calling for nominations for the highly prestigious 
Alan T. Waterman Award. The award recognizes outstanding young researchers in any 
field of science and engineering. Awardees receive a grant of $1M over a five-year period.
Alan T. Waterman AwardMara Cheney
September 24Newly Tenured Workshop offered by Dean’s Office; held in person, 2:00-3:00pmCLAS Faculty Workshop RegistrationTiffany Schier
September 30Instructional equipment proposals due to CLASCLAS Policy: Instructional Equipment FundingMaggie Vogel
September 30DEO concludes process of soliciting external evaluations for P&T casesPromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
September 30Effort Certification/Personal Activity Reports (PARs) are due for faculty, Post-docs, and P&S staffCLAS Policy: Effort Reporting/Personnel
Activity Report (PAR)

october tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
October 1Newly Promoted to Associate Professor of Instruction Workshop offered by Dean’s Office; held in person, 2:30-3:30pmCLAS Faculty Workshop RegistrationTiffany Schier
October 1Proposals from faculty requesting to move all or part of their budgeted appointment to a different department of appointment, or for jointly appointed faculty to alter the percentage appointment in each department due to CLAS.CLAS Policy: Request to Change AppointmentTiffany Schier
October 1Proposals for new course fees effective Winter or Spring due in MAUIOffice of the Registrar: Course Fee Information InformationOffice of the Registrar
October 32025-26 National Humanities Center Residential Fellowships applications dueCLAS Business Update 
October 4May Brodbeck Humanities Fellowship Applications for 2025-26 are due to DEO October 4; with DEO approval, due to Dean’s Office October 21Provost Application 
October 7Flexible Load Applications for 2025-26 are due to DEO October 7; with DEO approval, due to Dean’s Office October 21.CLAS Policy: Flexible Load AssignmentCatherine Moore
October 15Exceptional Performance Award (funded by the department) deadline for staff exceptional performance.Flex Pay Awards Policy 
October 232024-2025 President and Provost Award for Teaching Excellence nominations dueCLAS Business UpdateJennifer Bertrand
October 24Faculty Review Workshop offered by Dean’s office; held in person, 2-3:30pmCLAS Faculty Workshop ScheduleTiffany Schier
October 28Old Gold Summer Fellowship for Summer 2025 Applications due to DEO; with DEO approval, due to Dean’s Office November 11.CLAS Policy: Old Gold FellowshipsCatherine Moore
October 28Faculty who received an Old Gold Fellowship the previous summer must submit a report.

For fellowships completed summer 2024, report due to DEO October 28; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office November 11.
CLAS Policy: Old Gold FellowshipsCatherine Moore
Date TBADeadline for Arts and Humanities Initiative (AHI) Program applicationsAHI Program 

november tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
November 15-Year Faculty Hiring Plans due to CLASCLAS Business UpdateTiffany Schier
November 1By the first working day of November, the Departmental Promotion Committee report is due, utilizing CLAS template. Within 5 working days of the submission of the reports, the DEO places the reports in the Promotion Record and transmits a copy of each to the candidate.Promotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
November 1After P&T Committee Report has been added to the Promotion Record, admin submits bookmarked PDF to CLAS for preliminary review. Promotion Record Submission ProcessTiffany Schier
November 1Reappointed Graduate Assistants must receive their reappointment letters for spring semester no later than November 1CLAS Graduate Assistant Appointment PolicyCatherine Moore
November 1DEO letter evaluating request from faculty to change their budgeted appointment (faculty line shift) due to CLASCLAS Policy: Request to Change AppointmentTiffany Schier
November 1Improving Our Workplace Award (IOWA) nominations due  November 1. Award recognizes someone who is making a positive difference in the results your workplace is achieving.UI HR: Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.)UI Learning and Development
November 4 - January 17Review and revision of General Catalog. Catalog editor open November 4 - January 17.GE Catalog Dates 
November 5Submit Fall 2025 course offerings in MAUI. Planner closed on November 5MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings Planner 
November 11 - December 6Early Registration for Winter 2024 and Spring 2025 courses. Monitor low-enrolled courses  
November 13Proposals for Teaching in Higher Education Conference Awards due (for January – May 2025 conferences)Teaching in Higher 
Education Conference Awards
November 152025-26 Faculty Deployment Charts due to CLAS. Faculty hiring plans will not be considered unless a deployment chart is submitted. CLAS Business Update Tiffany Schier
November 18Last day for students to drop individual semester-length courses without collegiate approvalRegistrar Date by Session 
November 20, 21Faculty peer review teaching evaluation trainings. Collegiate expectation is that at least one member of all five-year peer review of tenured faculty review committees attends one of these trainings. Other faculty are welcome to attend, as are staff involved in the review process.CLAS Business UpdateTiffany Schier
November 24Applications for Spring 2025 Investment in Strategic Priorities funding due to Area Associate DeanCLAS Business UpdateArea Associate Dean

december tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
OngoingReview and revision of General Catalog. Catalog pages must be initiated in workflow by January 17, 2025.GE Catalog Dates 
December 2The DEO submits Promotion Record to the Dean's Office with the DEO's letter of recommendation for candidates seeking tenure, promotion in the instructional track, and/or promotion in the clinical track Promotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
December 2 - January 17Graduate Reappointment system is open for department to update spring TA/RA appointmentsCLAS Business Briefs 
December 62025-2026 Visitor and Adjunct Requests due in CLAS MAX by December 6

CLAS Business Update


Jeff Donoghue
December 9The DEO submits Promotion Record for tenured candidates seeking promotion to the Dean's Office with the DEO's letter of recommendationPromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
December 27Fall 2024 final grades must be in "Approved" status MAUI 

january tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
OngoingDEO reviews all Spring course syllabi for compliance Syllabus ReviewCLAS UP
January 17Review and revision of General Catalog. Catalog editor opens November 4. January 17: Catalog initiator deadline (catalog pages must be initiated in workflow by this date)GE Catalog Dates 
January 20 - February 2Fall 2025 offerings planner open for department review January 20 to February 2MAUI : Home : Registrar : Offerings Planner 
January 27Reports for DSHB Humanities Scholar Award during 2023-24 due to DEO and Dean’s Office January 27DHSB Humanities Scholar Award 
January 29GE CLAS Core proposals for spring semester are due. Proposing a Course for GE CLAS CoreMatt Shadle
January 31 Distinguished Alumni Award nominations due. Nominations for the 2025 awards may be submitted at any time, but should be postmarked no later than January 31UICA: The University of Iowa Distinguished Alumni AwardsNici Bontrager
January 31Ida Beam Distinguished Visiting Professor Applications due to DEO January 31; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office February 14Ida Cordelia Beam Distinguished Visiting Professorships ProgramAssociate Provost for Faculty
January 31 (tentative)First Year Seminar Proposals are due to CLAS. Date will be announced during fall semesterCLAS Policy: First-Year Seminar 

february tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
OngoingBegin the process for staff performance reviewsCLAS Policy: Staff Performance ReviewsUnit HR Rep
OngoingDiscuss with faculty whether they plan to go up for promotion. By April 1, a candidate for voluntary review requests review, in a letter to the DEOPromotion Review Process 
February 1Summer and Fall session course fee proposals due in MAUI by February 1.CLAS Policy: Course Fee Calculation, Submission, and Approval 
February 1Student Technology Fee proposals due to CLAS.CLAS Policy: Student Technology Fee AwardsJonna Higgins Freese
February 3Nominations for the Hubbard-Walder Award for Excellence in Teaching dueHubbard-Walder Award  
February 3General Catalog editing closesGeneral Catalog Dates 
February 11Preparing for Promotion to Full Professor Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person, 2:00-3:00pmFaculty Workshop RegistrationRachel Spengler
February 12Nominations for Collegiate Teaching Award dueCLAS Policy: Collegiate Teaching AwardCatherine Moore
February 20Preparing for Promotion to Associate Professor Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person, 2:00-3:00pmFaculty Workshop RegistrationRachel Spengler
February 25Preparing for Promotion in the Instructional Track Workshop offered by Dean’s Office in person, 2:00-3:00pmFaculty Workshop RegistrationRachel Spengler
February 26Nominations for Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award dueOutstanding Teaching Assistant Award 

march tasks
DeadlineDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
March 5

Faculty reviews due to CLAS:

  • Instructional track reappointment reviews
  • Clinical track reappointment reviews
Faculty Review ScheduleTiffany Schier
March 10 - 14Early registration for Summer 2025 courses. Monitor low enrollments through the registration period.  
March 14

Faculty reviews due to CLAS:

  • Third-year probationary faculty reviews
  • Annual reviews of probationary faculty
  • Instructional track annual reviews
  • Clinical track annual reviews
Faculty Review ScheduleTiffany Schier
March 15Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.) nominations due. UI HR Website: Improving Our Workplace Award (I.O.W.A.)UI Learning and Development
March 15Exceptional Performance Awards for P&S Staff Due (funded by the department)Flex Pay Awards Policy 
March 24Professional Development Award Applications for 2026-2027 due to DEO March 24; with DEO approval, due to Dean's Office on April 8PDA PolicyCatherine Moore
March 24 (tentative)Faculty ranking spreadsheets sent to DEOs for merit salary process  
March 31Annual staff performance reviews due to CLAS.CLAS Policy: Staff Performance ReviewsUnit HR Rep

april tasks
DEADLINEDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
Early April (tentative)Salary App opens for DEOs and Admins to submit staff and postdoc merit salary increase requests.More information forthcoming 
April 1By April 1, candidate informs DEO of intent to pursue promotion. Promotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
April 5PTEAP (Post-Tenure Allocation Effort) due; Faculty need to complete the PTEAP, but Admins can enter information for them.CLAS Policy: Post-tenure Effort Allocation Policy (Faculty)

Provost Website: PTEAP (login with HawkID and password)
Tiffany Schier
April 7 - 25Early registration for Fall 2025 courses. Monitor low enrollments through the registration period.MAUI 
April 11CLAS Leads applications due to CLAS Rachel Spengler
April 11

Faculty reviews due to CLAS:

  • Annual reviews of tenured faculty
  • 5-year peer review of tenured faculty
Faculty Review ScheduleTiffany Schier
April 14 (tentative)Faculty ranking spreadsheets due from DEOs for merit salary process  
April 15Reappointed Graduate Assistants must receive their reappointment letters for fall semester no later than April 15Graduate Assistant Appointment Policy 
April 15DEO forwards to the Dean's Office names of all faculty undergoing promotion and tenure review in next academic year, with a copy of the CV for those requesting voluntary reviewPromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
April 15DEO informs candidates for promotion and/or tenure review of the materials to be submitted for the promotion dossier and the deadline for submissionPromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
April 16Proposals for Teaching in Higher Education Conference Awards due (for June – August 2025 conferences)Teaching in Higher Education Conference Awards 
April 21Last day for students to drop individual semester-length courses without collegiate approval.Registrar's Office 
April 25

Faculty reviews due to CLAS:

  • Visiting faculty reviews
Faculty Review ScheduleTiffany Schier
Mid/Late April (tentative)Salary App closes for DEOs and Admins to submit staff and postdoc merit salary increases. DEO submits faculty ranking spreadsheets to CLAS.  
April 30Faculty eCOI disclosure due April 30, 2024.Conflicts of Commitment and Interest PoliciesJan Waterhouse

may tasks
DEADLINEDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
May 1DEO begins process of selecting external evaluators and soliciting external evaluations of scholarly/creative record for promotion casesPromotion Review ProcessTiffany Schier
May 21Spring 2025 final grades must be in "Approved" status by May 21MAUI 
May 30Submit annual strategic plan progress reports on department/division strategic plans to CLAS.CLAS File CabinetTiffany Schier
May 30

Faculty reviews due to CLAS:

  • Adjunct faculty reviews
Faculty Review ScheduleTiffany Schier

june tasks
DEADLINEDescriptionWebsite / LocationContact
June 1Global Curriculum Development Award nominations due. Award is given to faculty creating a new undergraduate course, or substantially revising an existing course, in order to integrate international or global perspectives into an undergraduate major.

Global Curriculum Development AwardAmy Welter