The image block component allows you to incorporate an image into your page's layout. You'll also be able to choose between a variety of format settings to optimize its display to meet your needs.
Steps to incorporate an image component
Find the page you want to update and open the Layout tab.
Select "Add component" in the section and column that you want to add the image to.
Select the Image component from the dropdown list.
Note that there is also an Image Gallery component, which is different and should be used when adding a set of multiple images to the page.
Select "Add media" to upload or search from the media library to find the correct image.
Optional: If you want the image to be linked, use the Link field to add the URL for the web page you want the image to link to.
To format the image, select the Media format from the available options. For an overview of the image options, you can reference this documentation.
Select blue "Add block" button.
Scroll to the top of Layout screen and select the blue Save Layout button.